HERA School Started! — HERA

Four weeks long training entitled “Bonn School of Environment and Health” opened this week. The course is fully online and one of its sessions is organized as a contribution of our HERA project to countries in the WHO European region. The hosting institution is our HERA partner, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, Bonn, Germany. The Bonn school participants were selected by nomination from governments for each of the four segments of the school are national experts working in the office of the chief scientist or experts that need an interdisciplinary/intersectoral knowledge. The full four courses extend over four weeks (9 November to 2 December 2021), from 9:00 12:30 CET each day, with a total of 43 hours in a combination of lectures and hands-on group work, and an additional 10-15 hours of self-study.

Four thematic segments of the Bonn school are as follows:

• Air quality and health• Climate change and health• Contaminated sites, their redevelopment and health

• Health and environment research agenda (contribution by the HERA project).

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