ISGlobal Webinar — HERA

We would like to invite you to the last session of the ISGlobal online webinar series on Planetary Health (session 5: Catalyzing demand for Planetary Health in Europe) held on 24 March 2021 at 15.00 CET (2 hours)!

Our very own Dr. Manolis Kogevinas will be a speaker at the webinar presenting approaches to the future EU research agenda in the nexus of environment, climate change and health that we prepare at HERA and translation agenda on Planetary Health.

In adition, director of our partner organization Health and Environment Alliance, Génon K. Jensen will also speak on links between research, communication and advocacy. See the detailed programme below and join the audience for the interactive meeting.

Please register here to the webinar:

Detailed programme of the webinar

DATE: 24 March 2021TIME: 15.00 h -17.00 h CET15.00 – 15.10 hWelcome and presentation. — Webinar chairs: Marina Erhola (CEO of the Päijät-Hämeen Hospital District, Lahti, Finland) and Cristina O’Callaghan-Gordo (Associated Researcher at ISGlobal and Professor at the UOC [Universitat Oberta de Catalunya])15.10-15.25hThe UK NHS strategy to carbon neutral health systems. — Natalia Kurek (Senior Clinical Lead, Greener NHS Programme at NHS)15.25-15.40hThe Finnish approach to Planetary Health. — Marina Erhola (CEO of the Päijät-Hämeen Hospital District, Lahti, Finland)15.40-15.55hInnovative solutions to reduce the problems that plastic generates at an environmental and health level. — Maria Westerbos (Founder & Director at the Plastic Soup Foundation)15.55-16.10hStrengthening the links between research, communication and advocacy to get an impact. — Génon K. Jensen (Executive Director at Health & Environment Alliance – HEAL)16.10-16.25hPanel discussion with audience questions. — Moderated by Cristina O’Callaghan-Gordo (ISGlobal)16.25-16.40hThe HERA research and translation agenda on Planetary Health. — Manolis Kogevinas (Senior researcher and Scientific Director of the Severo Ochoa distinction at ISGlobal)16.40-16.55hPanel discussion with audience questions. — Moderated by Cristina O’Callaghan-Gordo (ISGlobal)16.55 – 17.00 h

Closing remarks. — Marina Erhola (Päijät-Hämeen Hospital District) and Cristina O’Callaghan-Gordo (ISGlobal).

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