WHO Dialogue: Building forward better in the aftermath of COVID-19 – health, environment, nature and climate change — HERA

Building forward better in the aftermath of COVID-19 – health, environment, nature and climate change: the building blocks of prevention, resilience and socio-economic recovery of the WHO European Region

We are pleased to invite you to the open dialogue “Building forward better in the aftermath of COVID-19 – health, environment, nature and climate change: the building blocks of prevention, resilience and socio-economic recovery of the WHO European Region”, which will mark the opening of the EHTF meeting on 17th February 2021, from 9:30 to 11:00 am.

The dialogue will reinforce our understanding of the reality, the challenges, opportunities and building blocks of prevention, resilience and sustainable socio-economic recovery of the WHO European Region.

For the list of outstanding speakers, outline of the open dialogue’s programme and further details, please see the attached concept note and flyer.

To register for the dialogue, please go to:


After registration, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the event. Please note that this session of the EHTF meeting is open to anybody who is interested to participate and you are welcome to share it within your professional networks. Registration to this session (above link) is separate to that of formal EHTF meeting (below). We will share with you in a separate email a link and password to join EHTF meeting after the open dialogue session is over.

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