The EU has adopted its Green Deal programme in December 2019 and followed it in 2020 by adopting a range of new strategies that aim at positively influence quality of our environment, health and target climate change challenges. Further strategies or action plans are now in preparation to be published during 2021.As the EU H2020 HERA project has been identifying pressing research needs and knowledge gaps that EU needs to address by 2030 to fully implement its policies and improve status of all components in the health-environment and climate nexus, we carry out webinar series that highlight the link between the strategies and research aiming at attaining goals of the recently adopted EU strategies. Our online webinar series in English will cover Chemical Strategy, Zero Pollution Action Plan, Biodiversity strategy, Circular Economy, Climate change and Cities and will also help us to finalize the EU Research Agenda in the health, environment and climate change for this decade that will be presented in December 2021.
Join us for the first one in the webinar series
We will start with the HERA and Zero Pollution Ambition webinar on Tuesday 23 February at 11.30 till 12.30. Our distinguished panelists are Ms. Veronica Manfredi (European Commission, DG Environment, Directorate C « Quality of Life »), Ms. Sophie Perroud (HEAL), Mr. Ake Bergman (Stockholm University, Sweden) and Mr. Martin Scheringer (RECETOX, Masaryk University, Czech Republic).We wish to uncover what are the steps to secure healthy ecosystems and a healthy living environment for European citizens. How can we shape the research in order to help achieve the Zero Pollution ambition ““Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil – building a Healthier Planet for Healthier People” that is in final stages of public consultation now (until 10 February 2021). What are the current priority needs and gaps that we are facing?
All Interested stakeholders – researchers, policy makers, civil society representatives – not only from environment, health and climate communities, sectors and policy area are cordially invited to register by using this link. We look forward to discussing and working with you!