Invitation to Webinar Series Organised by ISGlobal — HERA

Hello everyone! ISGlobal is organizing a series of 3 Webinars on COVID-19, global environmental change, and opportunities to progress towards the SDGs. The Webinar is open to everyone, so come and join us!

The webinars will take place on the 28th April, 4th May, and 11th May 2020 (3pm CET).

Our HERA colleagues along with both coordinators, Dr. Robert Barouki and Dr. Manolis Kogevinas, are all involved in the series. As such, we would like to extend a very special invitation to all HERA Consortium members.

Click the link below to register yourself to “The Day Before”, the 1st in the series of the Webinars:

To download the full program, click HERE.

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