Open Call for Projects – Circular Economy — HERA

Dear readers,

We were alerted to the open call Research Program in Environmental Toxicology and Ecotoxicology by the Rovaltain Foundation. The call hopes to award three projects of 1 to 2 years duration and a budget not exceeding 20 thousands euros for each project. The projects should be innovative, but should not include a substantial experimental component. On the other hand, the projects should address one or more of the following:

•   a comprehensive review of the literature on the types of environmental contaminants associated with the recycling industry (paper, glass, plastics, metals);

•   chemical analyses to characterize the emissions of contaminants (effluents, air emissions) from recycling plants and their environmental fate (transport, biodegradation, bioaccumulation);

•   a comparison of the types and amounts of environmental contaminants emitted by industries producing new commercial products from raw materials and those producing such products from recycled materials;

•   Pilot ecotoxicological tests on relevant species and contaminants specifically associated with the recycling industry;

•   significant public engagement linking the research theme of ecotoxicology and the circular economy, including: education, broad media involvement and dissemination, policy-oriented actions and ideas, as well as other solicitation of public input such as organized brainstorming sessions and consensus-building events.

If you are interested, your filled form needs to be submitted to Rovaltain Foundation in English and by e-mail before 31 October 2020 at noon.Read more on the project call here:

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