New Online Survey is now open to enrich the EU Research Agenda — HERA

The HERA consortium is interested in perspectives of all stakeholders on issues in the environment, climate and health nexus that need scientific support. For the time being, an Interim document featuring the EU Research Agenda and a COVID-19 report have been developed in HERA project in 2019-2020, consulting various stakeholders and researchers. We are looking for further input from all stakeholders right now. The input received with this survey will be used to further enrich the Interim Agenda towards the final HERA Research Agenda, to be delivered in 2021.In this online survey opening on 15 June 2020, you can give feedback on the HERA Interim Agenda and COVID-19 Report as well as on the particular Research Goals identified in the reports. You can also identify new topics that the reports do not currently cover. Please feel free to answer all or only some questions, according to your interest, motivation, and expertise. Filling in the whole survey takes approximately 10-20 minutes.

Click the button below to participate in our survey or use the following link ( We look forward to getting your views!