Kick-off Meeting in Paris — HERA

Originally published at and written by Katerina Sebkova.

A Kick-off meeting of our project took place at Auditorium Biopark, rue Watt in Paris, France 10-11 January 2019. More than 50 representatives of 24 partners from 15 EU countries, an international organization and an European NGO in our consortium are already working closely to make the best out of the project for its 36 months. The first year is very intense – stakeholder mapping, knowledge assessment and many meetings so that we come with proposals for a December meeting in Helsinki. As you can see, it was a very interactive meeting, work groups and also thematic huddles. We also discussed our logo and communication activities and presentation to research networks.

The HERA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 82541.

HERA-KickOff Programme-F-Jan2019