Events Regional Stakeholders Workshop 2020 (South Europe) — HERA

In the era of global environmental change, we must improve the connections between environment, climate and health. The challenges we face are undeniably complex and numerous. Therefore, in-depth, transdisciplinary fundamental and applied knowledge is required, as well as science dissemination, science-policy-society dialogue. This will help us to move forward and ensure relevant design and effective implementation of public policies on European, national and local levels.

In the framework of the HERA project (Health and Environment Research Agenda for Europe), regional stakeholder workshops are being organised in order to further identify, analyse, cluster and prioritise key topics in the environment, climate and health nexus that require scientific support in Europe in the next decade.

The Thematic Workshop of the countries of Southern Europe 2 , is co-organised by:

– The Environmental Engineering Laboratory and the HERACLES Research Center on the

Exposome and Health of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (ENVE Lab),

– The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

– The University of Aveiro of Portugal (UAVR)

– The General Secreteriat for Research and Technology of the Greek Ministry for Development and Investments (GSRT) and will be virtually held on Wednesday, November 18, 2020.

Representatives from stakeholder organisations (around 40-50 persons in total) from various fields of expertise are invited to this workshop.